Are you sure about imagine utopia?

Utopia - place, where everyone would like to live. I love living on the Earth, I love people around me, there are good people and bad. Imagine, every people around you will be kind, nice, intelligent, beautiful - simply perfect. Who will be you? Who will be your friends. It doesn't matter if you choose this one or that one, everyone is perfect. None do mistakes, nothing they could learn from. You can not be good in soccer, in playing the piano, because everyone could be good like you. But no one could be better. You will lose your identity. And finally will utopia change to dystopia and conversely. It is like a circle that we may running around, dystopia and utopia are next to each other.

Word is one big utopia and dystopia, where everyone have his own identity. May get friends, which he want and choose way.

I think it's good to taste utopia and dystopia, because, if you will live in dystopia for a couple of time you will be glad, that you can stay in utopia just for minute. You make mistakes, a lot of. But almost of mistakes you may set right. And I love it, set right, because without it, it would be boring, and no one would be in utopia bored.

Children in Africa, India and these parts of word don't have something to eat, but they don't lose faith, do not lose their religion. We thing, they live in dystopia, but they are often happy.

They thing we live in utopia, but we are often sad.

Don't you think it is droll?

Maybe you are surprised why I haven’t imagine some magic land, but I know, that it would be so hard make this land at real. I don’t want to do something and then be sad that I can not live there. And I’m satisfied with world.

I love world so I will try to describe it how it mirrors in my eyes.


Live on the world is not hard, but not so easy too. 
Mostly you have to work, if you doing well you could buy some think to make your home-folks or your-self happy.
Sometimes it doesn’t work so perfect like the example. Sometimes people don’t want to work, but they still want to make them-self happy by shopping new stuff. That is really hard to make, the one is then unhappy and he usually change his meaning and posture to life.
Opposite attitude toward live is omission to make my-self happy without make some one else. 
If you work a lot you will have enough money to make your-self happy, but you won’t have enough time. If you won’t work, you will have enough time, but not wherewithal enough to make your-self happy.
We usually make somebody happy, because it made us happy too. And it’s something like our inner onus too. But some people do not fell this. We can not reproach it to then, it is it, like it is. And it’s the best way, because someone not from here (the Maker) wanted to like this. If they will fell it, they would do it.
Yes sometimes it is hard take care about else, but for human is harder to injure them self by disobedience their own inner voice.
World is distributed to lot of parts.  But some thing is the same all over the world.

Happy day
“Sometimes B. gets up with really good  felling.  On the instant disgusting breakfast change to pleasant time spend with her home-folks.  One look at someone is equal to one smile, one reason to have better day.  When B. goes down the street trouble goes away. It is really strong mood, only a few points can change it. Mostly it on this way till evening, when B. goes to bed and looking forward with which felling she will wake tomorrow.”

Bad day
“Sometimes A. gets up with really bad felling. Everything, as it were, ail.  Delicious home made cookies taste her like thirty.  Everything looks sad, because it’s rain. If it doesn’t the sun is so aggressive to her eyes, that she thinks, it would be better, let sun going-down. It could happened the best thing ever and it would be still so hard to smile.  In this mood is better to go sleep and patiently wait for next morning.”

Aggressive day
“Sometime K. gets up with felling, that she have to everything destroy.  She knows she shouldn’t, but sometime happened, that her morning cup fail don on hard ground. Her eyes say to everyone “Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, leave me if you would stay alive.” How the time is flowing it’s getting better, so hopefully in the evening it would be ok. “

! However you get up, don’t forget keep smile at someone and made his day. If you live in freedom and you don’t agree with something say loudly NO. If you live in tyranny say Yes and left them to do with you what is in their opinion the best for you, well you believe them, well they are responsible.  If you don’t want it like this move!

Most of the people work hard every day. About 20% work only five days a week. And of course there are some, which don’t work ever. These people get money from poor people, which work hard every day. I’m not sure, if rich are happier then poor.
Best things are free, but if you spend time just wasting money, you don’t have time to see and get know this thing.  The worst happened, when you awake, but you won’t have enough time to set it right.